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We will find the right loan for you

We will listen and understand, and find you the best loan
suited to your needs amongst hundreds available

We will negotiate to get you the best deal

We will go through our panel of lenders with a fine toothcomb, negotiate on
your behalf and find you those special offers and discounted interest rates

We will make the whole process of borrowing simple and fast

From A to Z, we will deal all the paper-work and take out
all the stress, all the worry.

Best of all - Our Service is Free

Yes, you pay nothing from your pocket; we get paid by the
lender you choose.

Monday 6 November 2017

Home Loans Come In All Shapes and Sizes

The recent downturn in the real estate market combined with a sluggish economy and high unemployment might cause a potential home buyer to shy away from taking the leap to home ownership. Nightly newscasts are ripe with horror stories about the difficulty of obtaining credit, and it is accurate to say that banks have indeed tightened their requirements. While it is true that the market for loans is not as wide open as it was a few years ago, the home loans are most definitely available, and they are still offered with a wide variety of features.

The first step is to speak with a professional about the types of home loans in Macarthur available. Everyone's situation is different, and a professional can help a potential buyer navigate the options to find the best choice. Some variables include the size of the down payment, the length of the loan, and the interest rate. These are basic considerations that should be discussed and fully understood while taking home loans in Minto.
Certainly the size of the down payment is a primary concern. It can be difficult to come up with twenty percent and more the expensive homes all but rule out this option for plenty of buyers. The good news is there are still ways to purchase a property with less than twenty percent down. In fact far less is needed with the right mortgage.

The Federal Housing Administration, also known as FHA, is still offering loans with as little as 3.5 percent up front. This allows for lots of people to be in the market for their homes who would otherwise be forced to continue to rent with little alternative. Low the money down does come with a few caveats however, and no one should sign without knowing about them.